Our cost strategy is simple

If we told you can choose from a professional editorial review that costs $500 and takes eight weeks to deliver or one that costs $50 and two weeks to deliver— which would you choose?

Did you make your pick?

The answer—it’s a trick question. The truth is, prices for services in the world of publishing vary dramatically largely due to advertising and budget of the businesses providing said services.

Ignorance is not bliss, which is why we’ve developed a unique and transparent price model.

Sagga Publishing House is the only boutique publisher to offer a labor and materials approach to services.

Come again?

At Sagga Publishing House, we just love analogies—allow us to explain. Let’s say you’ve hired a contractor to build you a deck that tells you their cost for labor is 50% for materials. cost. You might receive an invoice that breaks out labor and material, say $1,000 for materials + $500 for labor.

Now let’s extend the analogy to the publishing industry. Where materials is the price of the service, and labor (i.e. Sagga Publishing House) is 15% of materials cost. Using the $50 professional editorial review as an example, you would pay $50 for materials (paid to service provider) + $7.50 for labor (paid to Sagga Publishing House)

If only pricing in the publishing industry were transparent—Sagga Publishing House, it is.

Wait a minute, why not just hand over the list of service providers? You know, seeing as how you want to help and all…

Great minds think alike! Our list of service providers is our secret sauce. And like any great recipes—we have two options—keep the recipe our little secret or share it with the masses.

We’ve decided to share it with the masses because we want to help bring down the barriers to limit voices, even if it means you don’t work directly with us. Click here for our list of trusted service providers—the ingredients of our secret sauce. That said, just because you have the recipe doesn’t mean you have the desire to step in the kitchen.

Interested in us doing the cooking? Contact us using the form below.

Contact us.